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Soil test kit
Very impressive turn around time on getting the test results back. The results are super easy to understand. Highly recommend.
Soil Test Kit
Test kit came with very simple to follow instructions. Once mailed in it only took a few days to get full Test results emailed to me. Test results were very clear and easy to read. I took them to my local coop and one of the guys there was able to close the Test results to provide me with a fertilizer mix to use on my food plot and the results have been amazing. I will definitely be using this annually to help get more out of my food plots.
Soil test
Very helpful quick results.
Testing kit
Worked great, got my results quick for a quick plot ph adjustment.
Soil test
Quick easy and convenient way to get soil test done
soil samples
very detailed information i recieved back
Soil test kit
The included instructions were clear and the response from the laboratory was prompt; the results were easy to read and apply.
Soil Test Kit
Great kit, got the results back quick!
Soil test kit
Very easy and straight forward. This is a must do that will save you money on fertilizer costs and allow you to have records of the improvements or needs of your soil on an annual basis. I guarantee, you will save money on lime and fertilizer over the course of time. My third year I needed zero lime and only 250lbs. Of fertilizer. I'm in clay country in Tennessee. If nothing else, it's peace of mind that you did it right.