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Ist choice for deer
Been managing 5-acre plot and observing deer behavior for 15 years. finding that 99% of time deer will choose chicory over any other option in the plot. Chicory seems to be a bit delicate for winter survival in Wisconsin,
my favorite forage for deer attraction and growth.
I’ve planted chic magnet in many different places for the better part of the past 5 or 6 years. Provides both deer and turkey with an awesome and relaxing place to forage. Deer seem to love it and hit it as hard as my young soybeans. Definitely a must have seed on your farm.
great product
Very good product works great in most soil. Stands up better than clover to falling leaves in the fall. Deer love it and works great mixed in with clover to add variety to your plots.
A hidden gem in the Whitetail Institute product lineup.
Our club has planted several Whitetail Institute products with great success in almost every case. This past spring we decided to add several acres of Chic Magnet. The usage and plant development is really good, even with the dry weather we are fighting through this fall, the Chic Magnet looks awesome and the deer are frequent visitors. It's surprising that I don't read more about this product.
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the awesome support and products that you all provide. When I retired from the Army, I came back home to our family farm. Keep in mind that we never saw that many mature deer on our property. I was skeptical at first about establishing a food plot for deer and turkey, but decided to give your products a try. Our first plot was whitetail clover and chicmagnet, and all I can say is WOW! Fast forward a few years now and the results are unbelievable. We now have numerous mature bucks living on our property, to the point neighbors have asked us what we are doing because the deer always seem to be heading for our property. Keep in mind that our farm is only 63 acres!! Friends and neighbors have begun asking me what we are doing and for advice to improve their deer and I always point them your way. Some of them have tried your products and others as well, and always realize quickly that your products are by far superior. You have made a customer for life from me and my family. My wife was able to take her first deer last year on one of your plots, and impressive 11 point mature buck, and this year I was able to take a first in my hunting career, a mature, full velvet 8 pointer off the same plot!! That's two mature bucks in two years, off the same plot! Keep in mind that this is a plot that is only about 3/4 of an acre. This spring we will be installing a much larger plot, and it will be your products that we will be purchasing for our planting. Thank you for being a company that sportsman can trust. With so many gimmicks out there that prey on hard working hunters, it's nice to see a company that we sportsman can trust to do what they say.
chic magnet is gold
bought did soil test limed and fertilized then made the bed and spread the seeds a light rain that night and 4 days that is right 4 days later germination like I could not imagine greatest product ever thanks whitetail institute
Best Chicory Yet!
We have tried many varieties of chicory and Chic Magnet is by far the most palatable we have found. We blended the Chic Magnet with the clover and absolutely makes the prettiest plot that deer love to visit. Time will tell how many years we get from them.
sprouted in less than 14 days.
I planted 3 acres of chic mag and i was pushed for time and took a huge gamble and planted it April 23 here at my farm in Wisconsin. I don't get much time maybe a week every few months to make it my place so i had to plant all my products from the WINA and shocked i am. Alot of my property is wet but sandy. Well all the perennials came up. 14 acres total of Chic Mag, Imp Clover, Alfa Rack, Fusion, Extreme on my 160 acres unbelievable results as far as germination and growth for all of the products . Its all already over 9 inches tall and so lush green.
great product!
I have been planting chic magnet since it was first introduced by itself.Chic magnet can be added to your fall plantings of grains for added attraction.