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Saved me several plots
Arrest has saved me several food plots. Several years ago I had a plot that was overgrown with grass and weeds. Instead of trying to save it I just killed it off and retiled and planted it. I noticed that as I was spraying the roundup that the clover was still there, just hard to see in all the grass. SO the next plot I had that was over grown I sprayed with Arrest and Slay. 3 weeks later when I was able to get back up to the plot, the grasses were gone and the clover was growing well. I wish I would have done that on the first plot. Could have saved a weekend of work and the cost of re-seeding it. I would definitely recommend using Arrest on your clover plots. It can save something you think is lost.
Works as Claimed
I used Arrest and Slay as directed and was pleased how well it worked on my clover plot. Be patient, it works slowly, but the end results are NO WEEDS.
great product
this is great on clover
good stuff
Got the job done in my power plant plots.
killed tough grass
Tough grass slowly taking over area and moving into food plot more every year so I tried this and it worked great so far, after 1 month has knocked the grasses just about down with 1 application.
Happy Customer
I had purchased Arrest and Slay prior to this and did not get a clean kill. This time I again purchased Arrest and Slay and the Sure Fire Crop Oil and applied them at the same time. My clover plot could not look better. Killed the grasses that were becoming rather aggressive and controlled the weeds. I'm sold on it and will be using in future plots.
works as advertised
A week after spaying grass is brown and done.
great results again this year
Arrest has proven itself effective and I’ll continue using it!
Amazed I waited this long to try
Have had 2 plots for several years, usually the 1st year wasn't too bad with grasses, then it just got worse, after plowing and discing last year to clean and replant I had grasses back, I sprayed Arrest Max mixed with Slay and Sure Fire Crop Oil and within 2 weeks the grasses turned brown and stopped growing it was nothing but lush clover and chicory, sorry I waited this long!