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Grass control
Work as advertised. Very pleased with results.
Takes care of all my grass problems in food plots.
Grass in cliver
Arrest work pretty good did not kill all the grass at first so I sprayed again and that did the job.
arrest max success
worked great bringing an old neglected clover plot back to life
Arrest max
Worked wonders for cleaning up my imperial clover plot this spring. Applied the product in early May mixed with crop oil and Slay and mowed the plot a few weeks after. Now I have a clean lush clover plot.
Easy to use and effective
Arrest Max
It worked as advertised.
saved old clover plot
my new property i got this summer was totally over grown. What I thought was a hayfield turned into awesome clover with nothing but mowing and 2 treatments of arrest max, slay, and the crop oil.
Works great!