Arrest Max Herbicide

Grasses and weeds can crowd out your carefully planted perennial food plots.

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For grass control


Grasses and weeds can crowd out your carefully planted perennial food plots. Using the right grass herbicide for clover food plots can help ensure that your plots perform their best and last much longer. Whitetail Institute Arrest Max Herbicide selectively controls most grasses without harming clover, alfalfa, chicory, or any Whitetail Institute perennial food plot. 

  • Specifically developed for food plots
  • Controls a broad range of annual and perennial grasses
  • Easily applied by hand, 4-wheeler or tractor sprayer
  • Safe for use with Whitetail Institute perennial forages and with any clover or alfalfa plantings
  • Spray clover safe herbicide once grasses are actively growing in the spring or summer.
  • Adding Surefire Crop Oil Plus to the spray tank can increase effectiveness of Arrest Max on perennial or mature grasses
  • Spraying grasses in their early stages of growth can eliminate the need for follow-up applications.
  • New chemistry is more effective on a broader group of grasses and the cost per acre is significantly less than the original Arrest.
  • Arrest Max grass herbicide is rainfast in one hour.

Products that can be sprayed with Arrest Max

  • Imperial Whitetail Clover
  • PowerPlant
  • Fusion
  • Alfa-Rack Plus
  • Edge
  • Vision
  • Extreme
  • Winter-Greens
  • Chic Magnet
  • Turkey Select
  • Tall Tine Tubers
  • Beets & Greens
  • Ravish Radish

 Not for sale in California

*Not for sale in New York.


Slay & Arrest Max herbicides are classified as “RESTRICTED USE” in the state of New York                    

*As such, this product is restricted in its purchase, distribution, sale, use and possession in New York State. Furthermore, this product may only be purchased and used by a certified applicator in New York State. According to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations 6NYCRR 326.3(a): “It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, sell, offer for sale, purchase for the purpose of resale, or possess for the purpose of resale, any restricted pesticide unless said person shall have applied for, and been issued a commercial permit.” Should you require information regarding commercial permits, please contact the Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section at (518) 402-8748.

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  • 5
    use it or lose it

    Posted by Ted T., PA on 22nd Mar 2015

    I planted a couple of your perennials 3 eyars ago and struggled to control the grass by mowing. My hunting partner told me about Arrest and I tried it last spring. WOW. I followed the directions and sprayed when my grass was 6" tall and in 3 weeks the grass was dead and the clover was grass free. What a time saver vs mowing. I have much less grass this spring and when it gets a few inches taller I will spray again with the new arrest max. Cant' wait to see how it works. I think keeping the grass out of the plot will extend the life of the planting. The other thing I do is fertilize once a year.

  • 5
    New Arrest Maxx

    Posted by Allan B. - MN on 20th Jan 2015

    Haven't tried it yet but if it's better than the original Arrest it must be great. I have 3 acres of Imperial Whitetail CLover that has been in for 3 years and the Arrest saved my plots when I first planted.

  • 5
    Great product for killing grasses

    Posted by Willard B.-Ohio on 5th Jan 2015

    I was one of several customers Whitetail Institute asked to test the new Arrest Max last spring. I've successfully used the original Arrest for several years with good success. Arrest Max did an even better job for me, especially on my tougher perennial grasses. Thanks for allowing me to field test the new product. I highly recommend it.

  • 5
    Grass free-FINALLY

    Posted by Poulter A.-NE on 19th Dec 2014

    I've used several different food plot products for the past 4 years and tried mowing to control my grasses with marginal success at best. A friend told me about your Arrest herbicide and what a plot-saver it was. Sprayd them this past spring and it cleaned out about 99% of the grass. Saved money on mowing all summer and this fall my plots were awesome. Killed a nice 9 pointer (my best ever) and will send in a picture. Highly recommed this as a time and money saver.

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