Arrest Max Herbicide

Grasses and weeds can crowd out your carefully planted perennial food plots.

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For grass control


Grasses and weeds can crowd out your carefully planted perennial food plots. Using the right grass herbicide for clover food plots can help ensure that your plots perform their best and last much longer. Whitetail Institute Arrest Max Herbicide selectively controls most grasses without harming clover, alfalfa, chicory, or any Whitetail Institute perennial food plot. 

  • Specifically developed for food plots
  • Controls a broad range of annual and perennial grasses
  • Easily applied by hand, 4-wheeler or tractor sprayer
  • Safe for use with Whitetail Institute perennial forages and with any clover or alfalfa plantings
  • Spray clover safe herbicide once grasses are actively growing in the spring or summer.
  • Adding Surefire Crop Oil Plus to the spray tank can increase effectiveness of Arrest Max on perennial or mature grasses
  • Spraying grasses in their early stages of growth can eliminate the need for follow-up applications.
  • New chemistry is more effective on a broader group of grasses and the cost per acre is significantly less than the original Arrest.
  • Arrest Max grass herbicide is rainfast in one hour.

Products that can be sprayed with Arrest Max

  • Imperial Whitetail Clover
  • PowerPlant
  • Fusion
  • Alfa-Rack Plus
  • Edge
  • Vision
  • Extreme
  • Winter-Greens
  • Chic Magnet
  • Turkey Select
  • Tall Tine Tubers
  • Beets & Greens
  • Ravish Radish

 Not for sale in California

*Not for sale in New York.


Slay & Arrest Max herbicides are classified as “RESTRICTED USE” in the state of New York                    

*As such, this product is restricted in its purchase, distribution, sale, use and possession in New York State. Furthermore, this product may only be purchased and used by a certified applicator in New York State. According to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations 6NYCRR 326.3(a): “It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, sell, offer for sale, purchase for the purpose of resale, or possess for the purpose of resale, any restricted pesticide unless said person shall have applied for, and been issued a commercial permit.” Should you require information regarding commercial permits, please contact the Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section at (518) 402-8748.

Reviews (157) Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by EasternKY91 on 25th Apr 2016

    I had a major issue with my food plots from competing weeds and grasses. I sprayed the fields with Arrest. Shortly after my father had a medical issue so I was by his side while he was in the hospital, then work got busy and I didn't make it back to the fields for @ 3 months. When I came back I had 0 competing grasses and my Clover, Chicory, and Alfalfa were unbelievable! Growth was off the charts and full. Of course had to mow but fields looked better than ever.

  • 4
    Arrest Max Works

    Posted by Brent M. on 22nd Apr 2016

    I have multiple small plots of Alfa Rack and Clover ranging in size from 1/8 to 1/4 acre. Due to the remote locations of these plots, they were planted with the minimal requirements and that resulted in less than ideal site preparation. Grass competition over the first year became increasingly worse as I tried to control the weeds and grass with only mowing. The second year I bought a backpack sprayer, Arrest and Slay. I applied Arrest twice, Slay once, kept up with mowing and saw considerable improvement in the stands. This year I have again made two applications of Arrest and one application of Slay, and the plots are looking really good. I'm very happy to be able to have such nice plots in remote locations, and Arrest Max is a major reason why.

  • 5
    Works well

    Posted by Jim on 3rd Sep 2015

    I purchased this because I had grass growing like crazy in my clover and chicory plot. My grass was 4' tall in some places. The directions say that it works best when the grass is only 6" or less. This stuff did great on my tall and short grasses. My clover and chicory are still going strong.

  • 5
    Arrest Max Simply the BEST

    Posted by Chris on 17th Aug 2015

    Got a late start on weed & grass control this year due to work but Arrest Max did the job even on tall mature stuff. Great product and simple to use. Have already stock up for next yr.

  • 5
    Works great on my garden too

    Posted by Cck on 9th Aug 2015

    We had so much rain this year and couldn't till my garden. Use this on my beans, tomato and cabbage to keep the grass out and worked great. Only used one application and held off the grass the rest of the season so far. We have 3 food plot of alfalfa. After one application all the grass has been eliminated from the alfalfa too. Expensive but a good product.

  • 5
    Love it

    Posted by Unknown on 7th Aug 2015

    Absolutely one of the best products I have used

  • 4
    Nothing to compare it to

    Posted by Dale B. on 26th Jul 2015

    A herbicide is far different than a vegetation killer. All I can say is after I used Arrest my plot still doesn't have any grasses

  • 5
    Saved me

    Posted by TJ A.-KS on 25th Jul 2015

    I talked my hunting club into using Arrest Max this spring instead of mowing. I had to pay for it myself with the promise from the other members to pay me back if it worked. I followed the directions and sprayed in early May. Went back in June and the grass was gone. Now you made me a hero. Still haven't been paid back yet but it worked so well I don't care.

  • 5
    Arrest Max worked great.

    Posted by SS-MN on 24th Jul 2015

    I wanted to share with you how well your advice worked for me. I followed your directions / suggestions to the letter and today I checked on the field and the grasses are BROWN!! Your “Arrest Max” worked Great!! An excellent product.

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