Arrest Max Herbicide

Grasses and weeds can crowd out your carefully planted perennial food plots.

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For grass control


Grasses and weeds can crowd out your carefully planted perennial food plots. Using the right grass herbicide for clover food plots can help ensure that your plots perform their best and last much longer. Whitetail Institute Arrest Max Herbicide selectively controls most grasses without harming clover, alfalfa, chicory, or any Whitetail Institute perennial food plot. 

  • Specifically developed for food plots
  • Controls a broad range of annual and perennial grasses
  • Easily applied by hand, 4-wheeler or tractor sprayer
  • Safe for use with Whitetail Institute perennial forages and with any clover or alfalfa plantings
  • Spray clover safe herbicide once grasses are actively growing in the spring or summer.
  • Adding Surefire Crop Oil Plus to the spray tank can increase effectiveness of Arrest Max on perennial or mature grasses
  • Spraying grasses in their early stages of growth can eliminate the need for follow-up applications.
  • New chemistry is more effective on a broader group of grasses and the cost per acre is significantly less than the original Arrest.
  • Arrest Max grass herbicide is rainfast in one hour.

Products that can be sprayed with Arrest Max

  • Imperial Whitetail Clover
  • PowerPlant
  • Fusion
  • Alfa-Rack Plus
  • Edge
  • Vision
  • Extreme
  • Winter-Greens
  • Chic Magnet
  • Turkey Select
  • Tall Tine Tubers
  • Beets & Greens
  • Ravish Radish

 Not for sale in California

*Not for sale in New York.


Slay & Arrest Max herbicides are classified as “RESTRICTED USE” in the state of New York                    

*As such, this product is restricted in its purchase, distribution, sale, use and possession in New York State. Furthermore, this product may only be purchased and used by a certified applicator in New York State. According to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations 6NYCRR 326.3(a): “It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, sell, offer for sale, purchase for the purpose of resale, or possess for the purpose of resale, any restricted pesticide unless said person shall have applied for, and been issued a commercial permit.” Should you require information regarding commercial permits, please contact the Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section at (518) 402-8748.

Reviews (157) Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Works as Advertised

    Posted by Unknown on 14th Sep 2016

    Was skeptical at first but this really does an awesome job at killing unwanted grass in the food plots. Wish it was a little less expensive but you get what you pay for. Always seem to use more than what the bottle says is necessary when applying.

  • 5
    Knock's it Out!!

    Posted by Viking on 13th Sep 2016

    Great product I used it on my Whitetail Institute clover and within 2 weeks in knocked the grass right out! The clover looks fantastic! Bring on Deer season!

  • 5
    what a struggle

    Posted by Steve H. from Michigan on 8th Sep 2016

    this spring in late april I sprayed my 2 acre food plot with roundup. waited about 15 days (the field was brown and dead) to turn the field over. me and my 1949 john deere model A went after it with a 2 bottom rope jerk style plow. got it turned over and disced it down. did a soil test and added the lime and fertilizer that was recommended, and disced that in- then planted whitetail extreme, and fusion on the same area. everything germinated beautifully. now the field is growing and I start to notice grass coming up. me being the procrastinator that I am let it grow to tall. so I mowed the field and ordered some arrest, and crop oil from whitetail institute. when it arrived in 2 days--that was to fast --I let the field grow for another week then sprayed the first dose of arrest and crop oil mixed on the now 8 inch tall field. In 3 days I could see the grass starting to brown out, yet everything else remained a nice healthy green. a week later I gave it another dose--don't know that I needed to. today I looked at the field and the grass is looking pretty sad. anyhow they made a believer out of me. I give these 2 products { arrest and crop oil} my best recommend!!!

  • 4

    Posted by Unknown on 1st Sep 2016

    Worked good

  • 4
    2nd time is a charm

    Posted by Unknown on 12th Aug 2016

    Might have let the grasses get a little too tall before spraying. Sprayed again a month later and that showed the grass who is boss.

  • 5
    great product

    Posted by Randy H. on 12th Aug 2016

    Sprayed on my clover field and it killed the grass in about 2 weeks

  • 5

    Posted by D.S. on 4th Aug 2016

    I just wanted to follow up with the results on the Arrest Max, Slay and Sure Fire Crop Oil. This stuff is amazing! I am absolute pleased with it's results. Though the Arrest took two applications and once I mixed the Slay with the second application and with the Sure Fire my food plot looks great! It's not the prettiest green yet, because of the weeds are dying off, but the only thing left green is the clover! All the other areas on my property needs mowing right now except the food plot. The clover is anywhere from 6"-8" tall and though there are a few weeds still poking above the clover they sure don't look like they are going to last much longer. I will be purchasing this product again next year if needed because you have me sold!

  • 5
    works great

    Posted by Ray on 31st Jul 2016

    I sprayed some newly planted clover that was over run by quack grass. 2 weeks later I could clearly see where I missed. The clover is going strong

  • 4
    This Product kills grass

    Posted by Unknown on 21st Jul 2016

    One week after spraying all the grass in the clover was brown

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